Do you talk to your clients about wiping their butt? If you don't, you probably should. A couple of weeks ago the UK newspaper Daily Mail published this: Americans 'are not properly cleaning their anuses': Doctors warn toilet paper does little to remove feces feces.html#ixzz4y9kfp6G1For those who would like to…
We Need to Talk about Wiping the Butt....
11 November 2017
Is Fat the opposite of Fit?
18 May 2017
Colon hydrotherapy is an interesting treatment. It attracts, in equal measure, those seeking health and those seeking beauty. This, of course, presents a challenge of sorts to a colon hydrotherapist. How do you answer questions like: "How much weight will I lose" without launching into the full-blown health consultation?I was…
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Stools
21 February 2017
How can I tell whether my bowel is working properly?The first sign is the call of nature. Do you kknow when it's time to open your bowels?How does your brain know that your body needs tgo eliminate wastes?Do you have a reasonably established pattern? For example, do you go to…