The Phobia of Pooping in Public Places Leads to Constipation and IBS (and sometimes death too)Let's start by enriching our vocabulary. The scientific term for the fear of someone pooping in public is parcopresis. The phobia of pooping in public restrooms is called lutropublicaphobia.Now that you can easily impress your dining companions,…
The Phobia of Pooping in Public Places Leads to Constipation and IBS

Essential business tips for 2018 – your baker’s dozen!

Essential business tips for 2018 – your baker’s dozen!I hope you have all have had a great year 2017 – you have enjoyed the therapies that you offer, the clients that you attract, and the life’s stability and the satisfaction that come from running a sustainable business.So – here are…
The Art of Attracting the Customers You Want - the Importance of "About Me" Page

In our highly collectivised world, it is very important to stand out as an individual. Your "About Me" page will help your clients to see the difference between you and your colleagues or competitors and make an informed decision to book a consultation or a treatment with you. Thinking of…
Working with Aqua-Clinic Ultra-Clear Smoothbore Tubing

I am writing this blog post, in the form of Q&A's, especially for our 15 colleagues who have agreed to take part in our smooth bore waste tubing trial. Its purpose is to make the trial more beneficial, both for you and for us. 1. Why is there a need to…
Frequently Asked Questions about our Gravity Kit

We supply a gravity colonic system. The tank and the stand are also sold separately. What is a Gravity colonic system?Water enters the human body through a speculum attached to a tube that is attached to a tank filled with water. The tank is positioned around 600 mm above the…
Need no 4: Clients' Needs - Love and Connection

This is the fourth section of our Six Human Needs blog, in which we discuss what motivates people to come and seek support from colon hydrotherapy and colon hydrotherapists.We have covered security, spontaneity and significance. The next very important need that we 'll talk about is the need for love and…
Need No 3: Clients Need to be Seen as Significant, Unique

We have reached the middle of the road exploring the six human needs, the basic drivers which determine the choices that we make and the lessons that we learn. Today we are going to talk about the driver that we need to recognise in everyone - that of significance. Often people…
Need No 2: Clients' Needs - Spontaneity or "Insecurity"

In this series of blog posts we are talking about the main human needs, - the drivers that, in many ways, determine our daily lives. We have already mentioned security – the dominant need of many people, that enables them to live in a safe, predictable world.For some, knowing that…
Need No 1: Clients' Needs - Security or Safety.

Let's take a step back. What are the most important things in your life? Think about it for a minute and make a list of, let us say, five most important things in your life.. Every time you make that list, ask yourself: what's more important than this? And, as you…
Understanding our clients and patients

Colon hydrotherapy is a powerful treatment. It is not, however, most people’s first choice of therapy when they start building their own path to wellbeing. Our potential clients often think of massages, body wraps, facial treatments, lotions, potions and pills, well before they even consider colonic irrigation.It’s only when they…